My Comics

I’ve loved comic books since I was a little kid. I always preferred DC Comics, but as I got older, the medium of comics continued to be one of my favorite storytelling vehicles. The genres expanded, and I was able to read so many amazing stories and see the medium be pushed to its artistic limits. I pursued animation in college because of my love for visual storytelling through illustration. Though, by my senior year, I was leaning back towards my comic roots. I chose to make a comic for my senior project rather than an animation. I instantly loved the process, and I soon made two more short comics.

I’m happy to share these short stories now, and I’m currently working on a longer, serial project. Follow me on social media for updates regarding this new project.

Senior Project
Curses and Cliques

Oliver’s freshman year has not gone as planned. He’s a few months in, and he’s yet to make a single friend. When a trip to the library takes a supernatural turn, Oliver might get the help he needs to fix his social life.

Short Story
Bend in the Wheel

Evan’s days are feeling more like a repeating cycle than a real life. When a break in routine makes him take a step back, he have to face his own agency in the matter.

Short Story
One Step at a Time

After the death of her father, Dakota must join her step sister, Paige, on a cross country road trip to the funeral.